We are currently taking new patients






How do I register?

We take patients from Bingley, Harden, Cottingley, East/West Morton, Crossflatts, Sandbeds, Eldwick ..... if in doubt please ask!

For further information about us, please see our  

Practice Leaflet

To register, please follow the 3 simple steps below









Complete a registration form and a new patient health questionnaire. You can either click on the links below and print them out, or pick up the forms from reception:

 Registration form

 New patient health questionannaire





Bring the completed forms to reception together with 2 items of identification, which should be:

  • photographic ID eg. passport or driving licence, AND
  • proof of address eg. rent book or utility bill.




You will now be a registered patient!

It can take up to 3 months to receive your notes from your old practice, but you will be able to access our services straight away.

You will be registered with a named GP. You are free to see any of the doctors or nurses at the practice, although we recommend trying to see the same doctor on a regular basis for long-term problems.