Springfield Patient Participation Group (SPPG)

The SPPG is a patient group that has been established for over 14 years. The aim of the group is to give the patients of Springfield more say and scrutiny over the services you receive from the surgery.

It is run by patient volunteers, who work closely with the doctors and staff at Springfield, to make real changes within the practice that truly reflect the needs of the patients. 

The group is always looking for new members, and no special skills or qualities are required. Everyone has valuable experiences and opinions which are useful to the group.

Examples of successful projects led by SPPG 

Bingley Show

In 2015 members of SPPG got together with other practices to organise a stand at the Bingley Show.

External organisations joined them, including Carers Resource.There was an emphasis on healthy eating, and BP and pulse checks were offered. Several people were found to have irregular pulses and were referred on to their GP.



CPR Training

The group, led by Carolyn Williams, have set up training workshops in conjunction with the British Heart Foundation.

Anyone may find themselves in a situation where somebody nearby collapses. Knowing how to give CPR can save a life until the paramedics arrive.

Carolyn won a special award from the Bradford CCG for the work she did implementing this project.



Feel Good Group

Kate Smith (from SPPG) identified a gap in mental health services, and the benefits alternative therapies can have.

She coordinated joint working between Springfield Surgery and "Champions Show The Way" (part of Bradford District Care Trust) and launched  the 'Feel Good Group'.

The group is focused around promoting positive emotional well being by exploring Relaxation, Mindfulness and Art Techniques. The group is open to Springfield patients and the wider community and meet on Thursdays (10.30 am - 12.30 pm) at Canalside Health Care Centre. For more information please call 01274 321911.

Kate's hard work setting up the group was recognised with a special CCG award in 2017.


Flu Clinics

The annual flu-clinics have in the past been somewhat of a bunfight!

Coordinating hundreds of patients, all who need an injection within a tight timescale, on top of the "day-to-day" patients needing to be seen, is tricky. And in the past we've had a few complaints.

The SPPG got involved to meet-and-greet and coordinate patients and clinics on the day. This has had a huge impact on the efficiency and success of the flu clinics.

 Other SPPG work

SPPG has a voice and influences services, policies and procedures at the practice by

  • reviewing the patient survey and agreeing action plans
  • reviewing and agreeing access plans
  • networking with other PPGs and sharing with Springfield good practice elsewhere
  • sharing patient opinions when the practice makes changes

  Patient Survey & Action Plan 


 Please contact us if you'd like to get involved

The administration side is coordinated by Jackie Stableford, the Office Manager at Springfield Surgery. If you would like to get involved, then please call in to reception or give her a ring. Feel free to have a chat to her about the group or she can arrange for a member of the group to speak to you. You would also be welcome to come along to a meeting and see what happens before committing.....